Thursday, December 25, 2014

The true meaning of Christmas and how to deal with the excess

As the time of year rolls around, and the ‘things’ start to roll in with it (as they inevitably do), it’s easy to get bogged down in it all. It’s a time of excess. 

Part of that excess (the celebration, the feasting, the parties, the merriment) is very much in line with what I believe to be true about this Advent season as a Christian. Christmas is a time for GREAT celebration! And how do we celebrate? We feast! We throw parties! We eat delicious food! We give each other gifts! This celebration is a great way to celebrate the birth of our Savior! And I’m all for it.

This wonderful gift-giving ‘standard’ makes it easy and fair. 4 presents each. Always. 

I wish I would have read about this a long time ago when Wyatt was young. This tradition would have made Christmas much more enjoyable and must less stressfull and worrisome on which gift to get, how much to spend, will they like it, will they appreciate it, will they understand my thoguhtfullness that went into the chosing of that special gift. 

1. Something you want

2. Something you need
3. Something to wear
4. Something to read

There will inevitably be messy moments. At Christmas time. At every time. But I’m thankful to feel so at peace with our small Christmas. To be thankful for the blessings of each day rather than the gigantic presents under the Christmas tree. And to be focusing on the birth of our Savior, our King, our Messiah, rather than the hottest toy, the gigantic dinner menu, or the 72 social obligations that popped up this month. 

Merry Christmas All and many blessings for the New Year.